Pre and Post Wax Care Tips
Everyone reacts differently to waxing and sugaring. If this is your first time, it is important to take precaution. Heightened sensitivity, redness, & small bumps may be experienced in the area for the next 24-48 hours.
Pre Wax Care Tips
Personal hygiene rules! Please bath and or freshen up before your bikini or body wax treatment. Ladies, if it is that time of the month please allow 2-3 days after your cycle is completed to book.
Skip the lotions! Do not apply self-tanners, body sprays, deodorants and other topical creams before your appointment.
We need hair! Hair needs to be ¼ of an inch [a grain of rice] no more – no less! If you’ve been shaving, allow a minimum of 3 weeks of hair growth. If the hair is too short it won’t adhere to the wax and if it is too long it will pull much more causing more pain.
Timing is everything! Schedule your wax 2-3 days before beach and poolside jaunts if you plan to sun bathe. If you’re about to tie the knot, let us know! We prefer to be extra cautious for the bid day!
Avoid heat! No tanning beds, hot tubs and saunas before your appointment.
Exfoliate! Exfoliating the area VERY GENTLY 24 hours before your appointment> Gentle exfoliation will remove the dead skin cells and allow for a cleaner wax.
Wear something loose! Wear comfortable breathable clothing to prevent irritation and discomfort after waxing.
Post Wax Care Tips
Heat is no good! No tanning, sun bathing, hot tubs or saunas for 48 hours after your treatment. Since a layer of dead skin cells have been removed, sun and or heat exposure can burn the skin and also allow bacteria to enter the pore.
No baths or exercise! Refrain from taking a hot bath or exercising for 24 hours following your treatment.
SOOTH! Apply a cold compress to sooth the skin if you experience sensitivity or irritation after your treatment.
Exfoliate! We recommend at least exfoliating at least once a week to prevent ingrown hairs – the dead skin needs to be removed in order for the finer/thinner waxing hair to break thru the skin surface.
Hydrocortisone cream! helps to reduce the redness and irritation following your treatment. If your skin is sensitive, waxing may result in minor breakouts or rashes.
Stay clean! Waxing causes the temporary enlargement of the hair follicles that can allow bacteria residing on the skin, to enter the enlarged follicles and cause skin infections. If an infection is noted, it should be evaluated and treated by a doctor as soon as possible.